Inside Defense Highlights Mack Defense’s HDT Order

The Army will buy 65 new dump trucks with fiscal year 2022 procurement money, compared with the previously planned 21, after congressional appropriators nearly tripled funding for the vehicle.

An omnibus appropriations bill that President Biden signed earlier this month included $29 million for the M917A3 heavy dump truck program. The Army had requested $10 million for the program in its FY-22 budget.

The funding increase will allow the Army to buy an additional 44 dump trucks in FY-22, a spokesman for the program executive office for combat support and combat service support wrote in a statement to Inside Defense.

New dump trucks will replace vehicles that are up to 50 years old, for which repair parts are difficult to find. Mack Defense builds the M917A3, and it has announced plans to compete in the Army’s next-generation truck program with a related platform.

The dump truck would not receive any procurement funding under the FY-23 budget request, according to Pentagon budget documents. That request proposed deep cuts to procurement programs outside the Army modernization priorities, as the service attempts to develop and field dozens of new platforms amid shrinking procurement and research budgets.

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By Ethan Sterenfeld / March 30, 2022 at 10:22 AM

For more information about the Mack Heavy Dump Truck, visit Link To The Article On Construction Equipment Located HERE

Mack Defense, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Mack Trucks, is responsible for the sale of heavy-duty trucks to federal- and ministerial-level customers globally. For more information, please visit


Mack Defense, LLC, is part of the Volvo Group, one of the world’s leading manufacturers of trucks, buses, construction equipment, and marine and industrial engines. The Group also provides complete solutions for financing and service. The Volvo Group, which employs almost 100,000 people, has production facilities in 18 countries and sells its products in more than 190 markets. In 2018, the Volvo Group’s sales amounted to about $43 billion. The Volvo Group is a publicly held company headquartered in Gothenburg, Sweden. Volvo shares are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm. For more information, please visit